Nov 5, 2019
I close the season out this week with Dan Cooper of Indianapolis, Indiana. Dan is a visual artist, photographer, entrepreneur, teacher, scientist, among other things! We talk about the history of the Indianapolis Art Scene, his interests and experience in Religion, Science, Mental Health, Sports, Travel, and Leadership.
Oct 15, 2019
JD Bills is a visual artist living in Indianapolis, Indiana. This year, he quit his corporate job to pursue Art full-time! During our conversation, we talk about what influenced his decision to quit his job and how it has been going so far. Come and listen and extract some inspiration while listening to JD's amazing...
Oct 8, 2019
Becky Archibald is an award-winning pianist, recording artist, composer, and educator. We learn about her amazing journey and what inspires her along the way. I hope you can extract some inspiration, insight, and advice while listening to her story. Her website showcases some of her impressive...
Oct 1, 2019
Mark Kesling is the Founder and CEO of The daVinci Pursuit, a non-profit organization based in Indianapolis, Indiana. Mark describes The daVinci Pursuit as "a museum without walls", which aims to bridge the fields of Art and Science and bring exhibitions into the community. Listen and learn about his...
Sep 17, 2019
Jen Edds of Indianapolis, Indiana is a full-time podcaster, podcasting editor and consultant for local business owners, and musician (among other things)! We learn about how she got involved with music, why she moved to Indianapolis, and how she started her podcasting career! She has an interesting story and some great...